How to Reduce Leaks and Associated Costs in Upstream Applications

July 17, 2024
Operating medium-pressure fluid systems in offshore applications comes with a range of challenges. In a July 17 webinar, learn about common problems, different fitting technologies, and strategies for managing vibration, corrosion, and more.
This webinar was originally held on July 17th, 2024, and is now available for on demand viewing. 

Duration: 30 minutes
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Operating medium-pressure fluid systems in offshore applications comes with a range of challenges, from minimizing corrosion in alloy-based systems to reducing component maintenance and replacement when manpower and inventory is limited. Leaks that occur in connection points in chemical injection units, HPUs, TuTus, and other support equipment can lead to unaffordable downtime, so it is important to know how to find the right fittings technology for these demanding applications.  
We can help you there. In this webchat, we will cover: 

  • Common problems experienced in offshore medium-pressure fluid systems  
  • The difference between fittings technologies used in these applications  
  • What affects total lifecycle cost of fittings, and why it matters   
  • Strategies for countering vibration, corrosion, and other threats to fittings  
  • What else to consider when selecting medium-pressure fittings  

Join us to find out what we have learned through decades of working with the oil and gas market, and how you can apply those insights to dealing with the extraordinary demands on your business.


Shaji Arumpanayil 
Senior Product Manager  

Shaji Arumpanayil is a senior product manager at Swagelok. He has been with Swagelok for more than 28 years, and during that time, he has worked with and led teams within the engineering, operations, quality assurance, new product development, technical service, data analytics, and price management groups.  He graduated from Case Western Reserve University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Cleveland State University.   

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